Bespoke Motorcycling Apparel

Tailor made for you, down to the last details.

We’ll treat you to our finest collection of High Performance Leathers developed with TATA International, research from the Central Leather Research Institute, master craftsmen with over 25 years of experience's, SAS-Tec Armours, Highly Technical Fabrics & Accessories, personalisation options, expert suggestions, repair & maintenance support, and tales from around the world while we craft your pattern from scratch, tease you to a trial & deliver to you a desired fit.

Give us a call on +91 9962819010.
PS: You’re most welcome to come visit & experience it.


Choose the Right Gear

As a responsible rider, while purchasing your motorcycle gears apart from looking for the best bang for the buck, also keep in mind a few deal breakers.

  • The appeal and the character of the gear.
  • Keeps you safe.
  • Fits well.
  • Reduces fatigue, discomfort & dehydration.
  • Performs well.

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